Lesson 2.18 DESIGN - Decipher the slope of the land



AGRO-ECONOMY  Lesson 2.18 

DESIGN - Decipher the slope of the land


The second step is to decipher the slope of the land. You are going to aim at harvesting any runoff from the rain that comes down the slope so that the plants can take advantage of that. The way to catch this runoff is by swaling.


o   Find the contours of the slope with a dumpy level or an A frame.

o   Mark out the level points of the slope with bamboo or star pickets.

o   Dig out a shallow channel and place the soil from the channel on the downside of the slope, this is called the bund. The channel can be up to a metre wide.

o   Plant your most important trees on the bund of the swales with inter-plantings of tropical vegetables and support species.

o   You can have any number of swales and generally the steeper the land, the closer together they are. Very steep land however is not suitable for swelling as erosion problems can occur.


When you have your swales in place it is best to sheet mulch the entire area. If the food forest garden is large, then it can be done in stages but keep in mind that the earth works have created bare soil and this will quickly grow weeds if nothing is done. To prevent this from happening it will be a good idea to broadcast seed such as pigeon pea, cow pea or any other legume ground cover crop to cover the soil, fertilise it and help add organic matter into the soil. You can plant trees in your food forest area before you start sheet mulching, or even sheet mulch around existing trees.


Text from the roots, Elisabeth Ferkonia (Aus.) PDC studied with Bill Mollison,

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